Sunday afternoon 18:00-20:00 Registration and welcome aperitif at "Ex stabilimento Florio" (conference venue)
Monday session: Birth of massive galaxies and SMBH
8:30-8:55 Registration
08:55-09:25 Welcome by local authorithies
9:25-9:45 introductory talk by Alvio Renzini (invited)
09:45-10:10 Robert Feldmann (invited), review on the first phase of galaxy formation
10:10-10:40 2 contributed talks
10:40-11:05 coffee break
11:05-11:30 Dominik Riechers (invited), review on the ISM properties of high redshift galaxies
11:30-12:00 2 contributed talks
12:00-15:45 brunch and break
15:45-16:10 Raffaella Schneider (invited): “Titans in the early Universe: the early growth of the first quasars”
16:10-16:40 2 contributed talks
Fabrizio Arrigoni-Battaia, The build-up of monsters: unveiling the circum-galactic medium of high-z quasars
Daniel Whalen, The Formation of the First Quasars in the Universe
16:40-17:00 coffee break
17:00-17:45 3 contributed talks
David Elbaz, Hidden starbursts among apparently "normal" massive star-forming galaxies from z=2 to 4 and the true shape of the early cosmic star-formation history
Smaran Deshmukh, The Spitzer matching survey of the Ultra-VISTA ultra-deep stripes (SMUVS): the evolution of dusty and non-dusty galaxies with stellar mass at z=2-6
Iary Davidzon, Massive galaxy beasts and where to find them (in the early Universe
17:45-18:10 M. Volonteri (invited), review of AGN-host galaxy connection and early phase
18:10-18:40 2 contributed talks
Takuma Izumi, Exploring star-formation properties and co-evolution in z > 6 galaxies hosting less-biased low-luminosity quasars with ALMA
Dave Sanders, The Evolution of Massive Galaxies at 3 < z < 7
Tuesday session: Life and relationship of massive galaxies
09:00-09:25 Claudia Maraston (invited), review on the properties of local massive galaxies
09:25-10:10 3 contributed talks
Stefano Zibetti, Internal scaling relations of stellar population properties in present-day massive galaxies
Caroline Bertemenes, Cross-calibrating CO- and dust-based gas masses and assessing the dynamical mass budget in Stripe82
Helena Domínguez Sánchez, Implication of IMF gradients of ETGs as revealed by MaNGA
10:10-10:40 coffee break
10:40-11:05 Davor Krainovic (invited), review on dynamics of massive local galaxies
11:05-11:50 3 contributed talks
Carlo Nipoti, The second phase of massive early-type galaxy formation
Adriana Gargiulo, The build-up of dense and normal massive passive galaxies
Christopher Haines, VIPERS: The decline and fall of the most massive star-forming galaxies since z~1
11:50-15:45 brunch & break
15:45-16:10 Sirio Belli (invited), review on properties of high redshift massive passive galaxies
16:10-17:10 4 contributed talks
Annalisa Citro, The build up of compact bulges along and across the MS
Sperello di Serego Alighieri, The evolution of size and dynamics for early-type galaxies
Jeyhan Kartaltepe, Quantifying the Role of Galaxy Mergers on Galaxy Evolution
Laura Morselli, Star formation activity distribution in galaxies: evolution and implications on quenching
· 16:10-17:30 coffee break
17:30-18:30 4 contributed talks
Alessandro Marconi, The black hole mass - galaxy mass relation at high z
Federica Duras, AGN/galaxy coevolution in the widest dynamical range ever
Maximilien Franco, GOODS-ALMA: 1.1mm galaxy survey - First results
Carlos Gimez-Guijarro, High-redshift starbursts as progenitors of massive galaxies
Wednesday session: Environments at different epochs
09:00-09:25 Megan Donahue (invited), review on the properties of massive cluster galaxies
09:25-10:40 5 contributed talks
Rosemary Coogan, Merger driven star-formation activity in Cl J1449+0856 at z=1.99 as seen by ALMA and JVLA
Stefano Andreon, The cosmic epoch dependence of environmental effects on size evolution of red-sequence early-type galaxies
Alice Concas, The impact of the environment on the gas reservoir and star formation in local massive galaxies.
Amata Mercurio, The galaxy populations from the core to the outskirts in the CLASH-VLT survey: RXJ2248.
Sarah Leslie, The evolution and environmental dependence of the sSFR of galaxies out to z~5.
10:40-11:10 coffee
11:10-11:35 Bram Venemans (invited), review on the environment of high redshift massive radio galaxies
11:35-12:50 5 contributed talks
Taddy Kodama, GRACIAS-ALMA: Molecular gas in massive galaxies and its environmental dependence at the cosmic noon
Simona Mei, Compactification, mergers and quenching in CARLA clusters and proto-clusters at z>1.5
Viola Allevato, Probing Clustering of X-ray AGN using Chandra COSMOS Legacy
Manuela Magliocchetti, Hosts and environments of radio-active AGN
Andrea Travascio, BGC assembly and AGN census in the central region of the most massive galaxy cluster at z=1.6
Free afternoon
Thursday session: Inflow and Outflows and physical processes in massive galaxies
09:00-9:25 Chris Harrison (invited), review on the impact of AGN feedback on massive galaxy evolution
9:25-10:25 4 contributed talk
Giacomo Venturi, The interplay between outflows and star formation in active galaxies from the MAGNUM survey
Federica Loiacono, AGN feedback and ionized gas kinematics in a z~2 massive galaxy
Federico Lelli, Dynamics of neutral and ionized gas in a massive galaxy at z=2.6
Matthew Lehnert, The impact of radio jets on massive galaxies: Feedback on galaxy to halo scales
10:25-10:45 coffee break
10:45-11:45 4 contributed talks
Manuela Bischetti, Ionised outflows in z~6 QSOs are there. Investigating AGN-feedback and host galaxy properties in very luminous high-redshift QSOs
Stefano Carniani, AGN-driven outflows in the early Universe
Dan Maoz, A high production efficiency of type-Ia supernovae in massive galaxies
Margherita Talia, ALMA view of a massive spheroid progenitor: a compact rotating core of molecular gas in an AGN host at z=2.226
11:45-15:45 brunch & break
15:45-16:45 Special simulation session
Bruno Heriques (Millennium)
Annalisa Pillepich (Illustris)
Rhea-Silvia Remus (Magneticum)
Claudio della Vecchia (Eagle)
16:45-17:10 coffee break
17:10-17:35 Emanuele Daddi (invited), review on the quenching processes in high redshift massive galaxies
17:35-18:35 4 contributed talks
Hooshang Nayyeri, A Photometric and Spectroscopic Study of Massive Quenching Galaxies at z>3: Role of Outflow and Environment
Casey Papovich, Measuring the Star-Formation Histories of Quiescent Massive Galaxies at z~1
Paola Santini, ALMA confirmation of z~3-5 passive galaxy candidates
Emiliano Merlin, Chasing Passive galaxies in the early Universe, a critical analysis in the Candels field
Conference dinner at 20:30 at "Ex stabilimento florio", conference venue
Friday session: The fate of massive galaxies
09:00-09:25 Yingjie Peng (invited), review on the quenching processes of local massive galaxies
09:25-10:25 4 contributed talks
Salvatore Quai, The assembly history of massive galaxies: a test for the models of their formation
Omar Almaini, Structural transformation and quenching in massive post-starburst galaxies
Giacomo Girelli, Very massive, very old, very passive galaxies at high redshifts
Po-Feng Wu, Massive galaxies at z~1: Stellar Ages and Star-Formation Histories from the LEGA-C Survey.
10:25-10:50 coffee
10:50-11:15 Matt Jarvis (invited), review on new prospects and facilities
11:15 - 12:00 3 contributed talks
Allison Man, Strongly-lensed massive quiescent galaxies at z~2: what quenched their star formation?
Elisabeth McGrath, The Prevalence of Massive Quiescent Disks in the Early Universe
Marcin Sawicki, Dead Monsters: Ultra-Massive Quiescent Galaxies at High Redshift
12:00-12:45 Summary talk, Piero Madau & Adriano Fontana
12:45-13:00 Conclusion
Concluding lunch