25-29 September 2023, Porto Ercole, Italy
A journey through galactic environments
From the halo assembly bias to the satellite quenching
It is very well established that galactic systems form and evolve in connection with their environment. The stellar mass budget and the appearance in terms of morphology, colors, star formation activity, and gas fraction of local galaxies are strictly connected to the inhabited region of the cosmic web, and to the linked evolution of the dark matter halo they reside in.
The goal of the conference is to explore the intricate relationship between galaxy evolution and the environment by unveiling all the aspects of such a connection. The conference will tackle each aspect in different sessions dedicated to:
- Large-scale structure formation: The state of the art of our knowledge from the high redshift proto-clusters, to the most massive halos at high, intermediate and low redshift
- Cosmic Web versus assembly history: from the cosmological perspective, the relation between cosmic location, galaxy evolution and dark matter halo properties.
- Galaxy groups as the most common environment: properties of galaxies in groups, to unveil if and how they are pre-processed before entering eventually the extreme environment of galaxy clusters
-The baryon cycle: through the link between the mysterious dance of gas heating and cooling, in inflow and outflow, and the properties of the group and cluster central galaxies and their central super-massive black hole.
- The AGN environment: to highlight if active systems favor a particular location within halos and the cosmic web. The aim is to identify a possible role of the environment in triggering or quenching the AGN activity of the host galaxy.
- Galaxy scaling relations: the impact of the environment on galaxy properties through the prism of galaxy scaling relations, e.g. the Main Sequence of star-forming galaxies, the mass-metallicity relation and the evolution of galaxy size as a function of time.
Last but not least, the conference aims at bringing together different communities focusing on this topic, for example the X-ray and the optical ones, to have a comprehensive discussion on how to build a realistic definition, identification, and representation of the environment in terms of cosmic web and dark matter halo census.
To stimulate the debate, we will prepare simulated light cones based on the Magneticum simulation (PI. K. Dolag) to simulate a few key upcoming optical and X-ray large surveys. We will, then, ask a few key invited speakers from the optical community to apply their cosmic web and halo selection techniques to show the results of such an experiment at the conference. A few key invited speakers of the X-ray community will bring their X-ray expertise to identify the biases and the completeness of different X-ray selection techniques based on XMM, Chandra, and the first release of the eRASS1 data. The aim is to trigger an extensive discussion of the selection biases, the completeness, and the contamination of different algorithms and selection techniques, to establish the reliability of our environment definition.
The ultimate goal of the conference is to clearly define the state of the art of our current knowledge about the role of the environment in a galaxy’s life.
Scientific Organizing Committee
Paola Popesso, ESO, Garching, Germany (chair)
Andrea Biviano, INAF-OATrieste, Trieste, Italy
Klaus Dolag, USM, Munich, Germany
Stefano Ettori, INAF-OAS Bologna, Bologna, Italy
Stefano Borgani, Trieste Universtity, Trieste, Italy
Esra Bulbul, MPE, Garching, Germany
Eric Emsellem, ESO, Garching, Germany
Simon Driver, The University of Western Australia, Perth, Australia
Olga Cucciati, INAF-OAS Bologna, Bologna, Italy
Nina Hatch, University of Nottingham, Nottingham, UK
Angela Iovino, INAF-OABrera, Milan, Italy,
Veronica Strazzullo, INAF-AOTrieste, Trieste, Italy
Celine Gouin, Korea Institute for Advanced Study (KIAS), Seoul, Republic of Korea
Manuela Magliocchetti, INAF-IAPS, Rome, Italy
Local Organizing Commitee
Ilaria Marini, ESO, Garching, Germany
Paola Popesso, ESO, Garching, Germany
Denisa Sako, ESO, Garching, Germany
Invited Speakers
Katarina Kraljic, Observatoire Astronomique de Strasbourg, Strasbourg, France
Michael McDonald, MIT, Cambridge, USA
Bianca Poggianti, INAF-OAPD, Padova, Italy
Nabila Aghanim, Universite Paris Sud, Orsay, France
Joop Schaye, Leiden University, Leiden, The Netherlands
Peter Behroozi, University of Arizona, USA
Sean McGee, University of Birmingham, UK
Michael Balogh, University of Waterloo, Canada
Gabriella De Lucia, INAF-AOTrieste, Trieste, Italy
Cristiano Porciani, University of Bonn, Bonn, Germany
Roberto Gilli, INAF-OAS Bologna, Bologna, Italy
Luca Cortese, University of Western Australia, Perth, Australia
Stacey Alberts, University of Arizona, Tucson, USA
Sabine Bellstedt, ICRAR, Perth, Australia
Mark Voit, Michigan State University, East Lansing, USA
Judith Croston, The Open University, Milton Keynes, UK
Yannick Bahe, Leiden Observatory, Leiden, The Netherlands
Eline Tolstoy, Kapteyn Astronomical Institute, University of Groningen, the Netherlands
Marisa Brienza, INAF-OAS Bologna, Bologna, Italy
Ulrike Kuchner, University of Nottingham, Nottingham, UK
Micol Bolzonella, INAF-OAS Bologna, Bologna, Italy
Vincenzo Mainieri, ESO, Garching, Germany
Michele Cirasuolo, ESO, Garching, Germany
Special session of environment definition and identification:
Elmo Tempel, University of Tartu, Tartu Observatory, Tartu, Estonia
Xiaohu Yang, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai, China
Aaron Robotham, ICRAR, Perth, Australia
Georg Lamer, Leibniz-Institut für Astrophysik Potsdam, Germany
Celine Gouin, Korean Institute for Advance Study, Seoul, Korea
Clotilde Laigle, Institut d'Astrophysique de Paris, Paris - France
